I got *maybe* two hours of sleep all Thursday night. That was verified by the monitoring tech. In fact, he came into the room around 3:30 and said, “Are you ever going to go to sleep?” Of course, I was…
The Geek Who Understands You
I got *maybe* two hours of sleep all Thursday night. That was verified by the monitoring tech. In fact, he came into the room around 3:30 and said, “Are you ever going to go to sleep?” Of course, I was…
You know that manicure I got a few weeks back? Now I’m trying to get the acrylic overlay off my nails. Ick. Katie and I have sleep studies tonight. I just got around to really reading some of the instructions,…
I tell ya, it’s endemic around here. Every critter is constantly wanting to be on the other side of any door that’s closed. It doesn’t matter if it’s an interior or exterior door, bedroom, bathroom, or closet door. Closed Doors…
I know they’d do it sooner or later! There’s now a wet-dry Roomba that vacuums, scrubs, and dries hard floors!
Hot water on demand is a gift from the goddess. I have the internet to maintain connections with all you lovely people. My laptop makes it much easier to use the internet connection. My paraffin bath is marvelous, as long…
Reading LJ Community Polyamory means daily exposure to train wrecks. I wouldn’t do it at all if it weren’t that I like to see what the denizens of LJ Community Dot_Poly_Snark are chortling about. Someone deleted a snark post that…
Katie and I took Shelley to the vet today. We were worried, as Katie had seen blood in the stool of some cat when changing the catbox that Shelley uses most often. We’re keeping Shelley isolated for the next couple…
One bee sting is bad enough. How about 25? Okay, to be fair they were injections of various sorts of insect venoms—bees, yellowjackets, hornets, etc. But damn if they didn’t sting, and my arms still hurt despite the fact that…
I need to do laundry. The dryer is making A Bad Noise. I think it has something to do with the drum, as it happens even when the machine is empty. It’s a scrape-y sort of noise. In happier news,…
I cleared a great mass of papers out today. Okay, there weren’t really that many of them, but they were spread out and menacing. I didn’t just stuff them away, either—I actually *dealt* with them. I also updated our insurance…
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