sambear‘s daughter Genevieve is here for a visit, which is good. We’ve also been blessed by having mayremi here for the past few days. Definitely good stuff! We’re about to be invaded by more teens for a welcome-home gaming party…
The Geek Who Understands You
sambear‘s daughter Genevieve is here for a visit, which is good. We’ve also been blessed by having mayremi here for the past few days. Definitely good stuff! We’re about to be invaded by more teens for a welcome-home gaming party…
I can’t sleep. I have a 7 am appointment, and I’m wide awake. Lovely. That doesn’t explain the zillion posts I made earlier today, which may be a personal record. Being awake is the excuse for this one, though. We…
The wildlife guys finally did show up. I haven’t spoken to one of them, but the one in uniform seems incapable of smiling. His first words were not a greeting, but, “That tree’s gotta go. All them trees, they’re bad.”…
I found the charger for my camera battery. Of course, now the power cord has gone on walkabout. I cannot believe that I’m using all but 2 ports on both a 7-port and a 4-port USB hub. I still have…
When you’re paying thousands of dollars to a service company, wouldn’t you think they could at least manage to arrive on time? How about, oh, I don’t know—a phone call saying they’ll be late? We did have a nice quiet…
A post from redcub caused me to wonder about something. Back in the dark ages, I took a high school typing class. It was, in fact, the only class that my parents ever absolutely required me to take. Formatting various…
We have nothing to do tonight. Not a thing. Nada. Zilch. That is an unbelievable relief! Katie has had four nights of dance every week since the fall. We’re all ready for a break! We’re going to have pizza, laze…
curiousmay9 left town Friday to visit with her family. Her grandmother passed away on Saturday. The grand lady had been in a nursing home for years, and her death did not come as a surprise. Still, it’s never easy to…
wordcandlemage has an important event happening today. Unfortunately, I’m not up to going. sambear and shadowkatt are there to represent the family. I’ll rest more, and hopefully have the energy to do some things around here. Another nice thing about…
Thanks to Sam, I’m sitting at my lovely new computer armoire. I have all manner of devices connected to my USB hub. The cable for downloading photos from my camera or putting songs on my MP3 player is right here,…
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