The dumpster fire that is our country has me spending more time thinking about self-care. How can I care for myself so I don’t burn out or blow up? What do you do? I’m going to try limiting my exposure…
The Geek Who Understands You
The dumpster fire that is our country has me spending more time thinking about self-care. How can I care for myself so I don’t burn out or blow up? What do you do? I’m going to try limiting my exposure…
My day started a little later than usual. I was up late (for me, anyway) playing D&D with a new group. It was a very lively game full of fun, but we also defeated the bad construct. Once I got…
Over the last few years, I’ve taken to backing crowdfunding projects, especially those that are RPG-related. I don’t recall how I came across the Deck of Many Insults by Loke Battle Mats on BackerKit, but I backed it. The product…
Lots of knitting. Lots and lots of knitting. (If you’re on Ravelry, you can see my finished projects.) My hands ache from the knitting, particularly the left because I knit Continental. I think I may have to learn to knit…
Plinky asked, "What energizes you?" I struggle with major depression (actually, treatment-resistant depression), so it's difficult to find much that energizes me. However, really great conversation with just a few people does it quite well. The same goes for story…
I used to get so annoyed when my mother would say, “Twenty years from now, nobody will know the difference.” She was wrong in a sense—I certainly still know the difference, about so very many things. On the other hand,…
I had a pain doctor appointment last week but wasn’t up to going. So Sam rescheduled it for me, and I headed across town today. Apparently, this was the day for “fitting in” everybody who has canceled an appointment in…
It was National Grammar Day AND Gamemaster’s Day, and I didn’t realize either until the day was almost over! It was date night, though, and my favorite GM and I did play, so at least there’s that. I’ll have to…
If you’re a gamer, you’ve probably heard the hoorah by now. Michael Goldfarb, a blogger on McCain’s official campaign site added a lame anti-gamer slur to his rinse-and-repeat “but he was a POW!” bullshit. Sam (and many others) responded to…
That was not painless at all. The import feature is tetchy, at best. I had to go through the entire list of 1300+ books and fix their “bookshelf” assignments as well as add some that just didn’t import at all.…
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