That was not painless at all. The import feature is tetchy, at best. I had to go through the entire list of 1300+ books and fix their “bookshelf” assignments as well as add some that just didn’t import at all. I had over 1400 books in Now Reading, and I haven’t quite figured out why there are fewer books in GoodReads. Oh well. It’s pretty much done!
The dates I’d read books, my ratings, and my reviews did NOT transfer to GoodReads, which is highly annoying.
I was able to go through and update a bunch of books that I’ve read since NR stopped working, and use the to-read category to request books from the library. As a result, there are 33 books awaiting pick up now, and another 61 pending (mostly books that are really new or not yet available). That doesn’t include the inter-library loan items I requested.1I’m so tickled that the library added a way to put in ILL requests online!
Sam and I had bonus gaming time tonight. He’s storing up brownie points before Dragon*Con. Katie, unfortunately, couldn’t sleep last night, then slept all day until about 11:30. Now she’s re-hydrating and getting some food. I hope she can go back to sleep. She’s definitely having a fibro flare. 🙁