A New Pet
Plinky said, "Pick a new pet to take home for free." There’s no such thing as a free pet, as any responsible pet owner knows! Beyond the costs of housing and feeding the animal, you have to provide for health…
Meow vs. Arf
Livejournal’s Writer’s Block question of the day is, “Cats or dogs– which do you prefer, and why?” I don’t prefer one over the other. I’ve shared my life with cats and dogs from my earliest years and love both. My…
What is the first thing you see when you walk in your house?
The NaBloPoMo prompt for today: What is the first thing you see when you walk in your house? Right now, the first thing anybody sees is Sam’s desk. No, that isn’t precisely right. If you’re looking straight ahead at the…
NaBloPoMo, Again
I’m trying NaBloPoMo again! The theme this month is “Return,” although I’m not at all sure what the heck that’s supposed to mean. I got today’s post in just under the wire, obviously—but I did post! Tomorrow I’ll try to…
Cat & Dolphins!
http://www.youtube.com/embed/rynvewVe21Y?rel=0 This is just too cute for words.
Needy Cat
That’s an old photo of Katie and Kioshi. I’m not the family photographer. She is, followed by Sam. But there’s a photo, and this post really needs one.
The Flu? But That’s Why We Had Shots!
My girl has the flu! And she had not one, but two flu shots this year! She caught it from her sweetie down at Georgia Tech, and if there’s a place in Georgia that’s more international than the airport, that’s…
No Katie Here
In much lighter news, The Girl is in the Pacific Northwest! For three weeks! She’s scouting colleges and seeing friends and so on. She’s already in geo-love after just a few days, saying she’d like to live there. Her hosts…
Weird Fish
If you’d told me yesterday that there’s a fish with a transparent head, I wouldn’t have believed you. I certainly wouldn’t have imagined that anything would look up and around through its own head for a greater range of vision!…