I’m still cleaning up the blog, trying to combat link rot. Somehow, I fell into looking at the draft posts. This one is from 2009 and I haven’t the foggiest notion as to why I didn’t publish it. Today’s prompt…
The Geek Who Understands You
I’m still cleaning up the blog, trying to combat link rot. Somehow, I fell into looking at the draft posts. This one is from 2009 and I haven’t the foggiest notion as to why I didn’t publish it. Today’s prompt…
Plinky asked, "What's at the end of a rainbow?" Do they truly end? I've never found the end of a rainbow, so I'm not at all sure. Until I see for myself, I'm not saying.
Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt: How do you feel about sky diving? I feel that it is a pursuit best left to adrenaline junkies, and people who have to do it for their careers. I’m glad parachutes exist, but I sincerely hope…
Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt: Would you ever go bungee jumping? No way! For one thing, I am definitely NOT an adrenaline junky. For another, I cannot imagine that the JERK when one reaches the end of the cord and gets pulled…
Another NaBloPoMo prompt: Do you like scary movies that make you jump? I’m not old enough to watch scary movies! I find them far too frightening, indeed, nightmare-inducing. Sam required that I watch The Crow with him when we’d just…
Plinky asked, "Would you say that you enjoy driving?" Not really. I've never been one of those people who gets in the car just to go for a drive. I use vehicles solely as tools in order to get from…
I hope it was as wonderful for y’all as it was for us. While Daddy was taking a nap, I did a little work on the site here, continuing the process of migrating things from the old format into WordPress.…
Plinky asked, "When was the last time you enjoyed the great outdoors?" Does a suburban pool count? Because I was in one today, playing with my niece and nephews, chatting with my brother and sister-in-law and parents. It was a…
Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt: “Is the glass half-full or half-empty?” It’s half-full, and things are getting better all the time. Last night as I was sleeping I dreamt—marvelous error!— that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden…
Plinky asked, "Where do you hope to be in three years?" I hope that I'm no longer disabled, that I'm fully functional, taking fewer medications and seeing fewer doctors. I'm working on that goal now. I plan to be working…
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