If you’d told me yesterday that there’s a fish with a transparent head, I wouldn’t have believed you. I certainly wouldn’t have imagined that anything would look up and around through its own head for a greater range of vision!…
The Geek Who Understands You
If you’d told me yesterday that there’s a fish with a transparent head, I wouldn’t have believed you. I certainly wouldn’t have imagined that anything would look up and around through its own head for a greater range of vision!…
UCS Lab Coat cartoon From the Union of Concerned Scientists: This spring, to draw humorous attention to the serious issue of political interference in science, we offered Union of Concerned Scientists supporters the chance to enter Science Idol: the Scientific…
This could have gone in my last post, considering Porter’s life 😉 Thanks to Scott Bragg for the link. Bisexual Species: Unorthodox Sex in the Animal Kingdom: Scientific American … as many as 1,500 species of wild and captive animals…
Water From Rock, Easier Than Blood From Stone Gypsum, a rocky mineral is abundant in desert regions where fresh water is usually in very short supply but oil and gas fields are common. Writing in International Journal of Global Environmental…
We got Katie’s report card in, and she did in fact get all As! She’s well into the next semester now. Because everybody else was registered for this year last spring, the advanced physics course was full and she’s in…
An awesome article by Seed magazine (my current favorite magazine!) about learning by doing. Apparently, that’s how we learn best. When we learn by doing, we retain the information we’ve learned much better than if it’s presented to us in…
Device writes on water Researchers at Akishima Laboratories (Mitsui Zosen), working in conjunction with professor Shigeru Naito of Osaka University, have developed a device that uses waves to draw text and pictures on the surface of the water. The device…
I just listened to this epidsode of a podcast that I like a lot; Science Friday: Making Science Radioactive. In this episode, several people are interviewed about things relating to the topic. Here’s some of the things that they discuss:…
From a mailing list I’m on. Sounds fun, although I can’t remember what else is happening in our lives this Friday. Obviously, it’s open to the public, or it wouldn’t have been sent to the list I’m on 🙂 Cyn…
Space Weather News for Sept. 6, 2005 SUNSET PLANETS: On Tuesday, Sept. 6th–that’s today–the crescent moon will leap up from the glare of the Sun to join Venus and Jupiter in the western sky at sunset. It’s going to be…
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