NASA-supported scientists are developing a space-based early warning system for disease outbreaks. I thought of two others: If you call me Cynthia Lynn, you’re one of my parents and you’re mad at me/trying to make me feel shame. If you…
The Geek Who Understands You
NASA-supported scientists are developing a space-based early warning system for disease outbreaks. I thought of two others: If you call me Cynthia Lynn, you’re one of my parents and you’re mad at me/trying to make me feel shame. If you…
The following randomness afflicts you courtesy of the fact that I actually got through my mail and caught up on LJ before posting it: Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness;…
I know this is weird, but I find the questions asked on OkCupid more interesting than the “matches” it comes up with. Of course, since I don’t make the first move, ever, time spent browsing matches is largely wasted for…
Happy Valentine’s Day! When you play, play hard; when you work, don’t play at all. –Theodore Roosevelt Don’t get all relaxed about the Georgia science curriculum yet: Big bang busted in science class for high schools We had a marvelous…
After Packing M&M’s Together, Scientists Like What They See Okay, I didn’t see why the fact that M&Ms pack more tightly than gumballs would be significant, at first. But apparently, this fact is important to scientists who want to understand…
shunra, you were looking for physics stuff, right? Little Shop of Physics BTW, I think you’d really like the TAGMAX mailing list.
This is so cool! Pictures of NASA’s Spirit Rover’s landing on Mars! (From apod) For equal time, epod_feed featured this fence eating tree today. And another neat thing: A History of Science (from Project Gutenberg)
This is the COOLEST “toy” I’ve seen this season: Discovery DNA Explorer Kit Explore one of the newest frontiers in science – DNA mapping. From science labs to courtrooms, few discoveries are as exciting as the world of DNA. With…
Happy Birthday livefalcon! I keep seeing those radio-controlled cars all over the place. If you have a kid in that range and are considering buying one, wouldn’t one of these kits be more fun? I have no idea how the…
The science section of yesterday’s Times addressed some of the “big questions” still facing science: dwivian is here game geeking with sambear. I tried to get up several hours before my meds released me from slumber, so I have…
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