I had a lovely day. This afternoon I went to Fuddruckers with James, Steve and some other folks. We went by Phoenix and Dragon on the way home. Then I spent several hours chatting with an old friend online. We…
The Geek Who Understands You
I had a lovely day. This afternoon I went to Fuddruckers with James, Steve and some other folks. We went by Phoenix and Dragon on the way home. Then I spent several hours chatting with an old friend online. We…
Today’s post at Academy Caritas lists some free online courses that look very good. I’m considering using some of those to get back into the groove of school until I can go back “for real.” I’m in a good mood,…
I started a new series at Fibrant Living today about being an active part of your own health care team. It’s important for anyone but vital for those of us with complex or chronic conditions. I got to go to…
It has to be fall cleaning because it’s September, right? I haven’t done spring cleaning at any time since we’ve lived in this house, honestly. I haven’t been able to do it. But between a new pain specialist who isn’t…
(I think I’ve already used “Not Dead Yet” as a title, and I really don’t like to be too repetitive.) I haven’t been posting much, and it isn’t really because I haven’t had anything at all to say. In fact,…
I’ve discovered that my blog posts stopped cross-posting over to my LiveJournal account at some point in September. Many of my more vocal friends actually read my posts over there, so anything I’ve said since then might as well have…
While I was reading friends’ updates at Facebook today, something reminded me of a girl I knew back in high school. She went to my high school, and as far as I know, she was in my graduating class. I…
ciannait linked to Handknit Heroes yesterday. Imagine you’re a teenager, and you have some special powers. Maybe even superpowers. And one day, at a sleepover, your best friend in the whole world tells you you’re not alone. So begins the…
Apparently, the filter for the unit is missing, and the coils need to be cleaned. There’s no obvious sign of mold/mildew, but Sam says that fresh air is coming into the bedroom via the unit, and our neighbors on that…
Sam took Katie up to Republican land to pick up her new glasses lenses today—she went to the eye doctor while she was with my parents because they were out driving and realized that she was squinting to read the…
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