I’ve discovered that my blog posts stopped cross-posting over to my LiveJournal account at some point in September. Many of my more vocal friends actually read my posts over there, so anything I’ve said since then might as well have been tossed into the bit bucket. I’m going to rework those posts and re-do them. Some were rather time-sensitive, like some important birthday wishes! Sorry James, Dean, Michelle, Jeff, and Will! (Not that my nephew actually reads my blog, but it’s the thought that counts, right?)
At least I wasn’t the only person having the problem. It seems that everybody using the Live+Press Plugin had the same issue as soon as they upgraded to WordPress 2.8.x. I’m sure Live+Press will be fixed soon, but I’m not a coder and I have all the patience of a two-year-old, so I’m trying a new plugin now, JournalPress. If you see this on LJ, it worked!
ETA: Well, it didn’t work. Grrr. I’ll cross-post manually.