First, I’ll answer this week’s SBQ: What do you do with your charts once you’ve stitched them? Do you keep them or dispose of them? If you keep them, do you organize them in a way that is different from…
The Geek Who Understands You
First, I’ll answer this week’s SBQ: What do you do with your charts once you’ve stitched them? Do you keep them or dispose of them? If you keep them, do you organize them in a way that is different from…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there. First, I’ll answer this week’s SBQ: What do you do with your charts once you’ve stitched them? Do you keep them or dispose of them? If you keep…
From a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Press Release about findings being presented at the International Congress of Neuroendocrinology June 19-22, 2006: Stress during pregnancy may put baby girls at later risk for fibromyalgia New research suggests girls who…
I have referred to The Man Diet several times as something I have done and recommend. After explaining it several times, I’ve decided to write it up here and just refer people to the article. I call it the Man…
I was absolutely delighted to receive phone comments from Pila this weekend! I’ll play them in the next podcast. Pila also asked about how he would go about getting started with doing his own podcast, so I’ll put on my…
Yet again, I’m just going to admit that I am hopelessly out of touch and not 133t. Why do communities like StitchHome post everything in Cyrillic? I mean, it might really be Russian or some such language, but I can…
Any virtual assistants hanging out around here? Do any of you know someone who is one? I’m curious as to whether the business is real or whether the only money to be made is by selling training and “coaching” to…
When’s the last time you just slept ’til you woke up? No alarm clock, no agenda, no hungry pets—just listening to your own body? Try it this week. In fact, do it at least one day each week. It will…
After Love –Maxine Kumin Afterwards, the compromise. Bodies resume their boundaries. These legs, for instance, mine. Your arms take you back in. Spoons of our fingers, lips admit their ownership. The bedding yawns, a door blows aimlessly ajar and overhead,…
Episode 3 This time we discussed dealing with hospitalizations, continued our series on delegation, and wrapped up by considering how we can add more beauty to our lives. The worksheets I’ve created for you are here: General Medical Information Providers…
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