Episode 3

Episode 3

This time we discussed dealing with hospitalizations, continued our series on delegation, and wrapped up by considering how we can add more beauty to our lives.

The worksheets I’ve created for you are here:

Print out the Acrobat files using the free viewer from Adobe, then fill in your own details. Keep copies with you at all times. If you have Microsoft Excel, you might want to use the Excel version instead, so that you can update your spreadsheet as things change and print out new versions more easily. You can also use the free version of Excel on the web.

I mentioned the donationware program Pop-Up Wisdom as well as the Motivational and Inspirational Quotes Calendar and WebShots. If you join Webshots, you can list me as a friend! I don’t have many pictures uploaded there, but our family’s user name is technozoo.

If you have any technical questions about how we got the pretty pictures server to work with the television, please feel free to ask them here. My partner or I will be happy to answer them.

Music for the show was “Morning on Haleakala Highway” by Kimo Watanabe from the Podsafe Music Network.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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3 thoughts on “Episode 3

  1. Pingback: Fibrant Living » Blog Archive » Daily encouragement and a challenge!
  2. I’m a big fan of anything but those “inspirational” newsletters, but I must say the Good Mornings from Brook Noel are indeed a sight for sore eyes. Quotable and lovable.

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