I wasn’t aware of this connection at all. The religious history of Caesarean surgery and what it means for the abortion battle
The Geek Who Understands You
I wasn’t aware of this connection at all. The religious history of Caesarean surgery and what it means for the abortion battle
I was challenged in comments on a friend’s Facebook wall yesterday “provide us with a specific example of Tea Party hate ful (sic) speach and some thing good that President Obama has done for our country.” The commenters there also…
It’s been an insanely long time since I gave this site its due. I suppose the real problem with blogging about health problems is that the people who know them best, by definition, have health problems. I’d love to find…
UCS Lab Coat cartoon From the Union of Concerned Scientists: This spring, to draw humorous attention to the serious issue of political interference in science, we offered Union of Concerned Scientists supporters the chance to enter Science Idol: the Scientific…
I’m not feeling so good, so I’m mostly posting links. But they’re good ones! Marvelously fun toy: Killjoy Cooking With the Dungeons & Dragons Crowd Gays marry, world does not end
This isn’t specifically about CFS/ME or FMS, but I found it interesting, and I think it makes sense. Why Mental Lethargy When Sick During an infection, humans typically experience a set of physiological and psychological symptoms, including fever, confusion, decreased…
The interview we did is up! Chronic Pain and Sex: a Couple’s Gentle Battle With Fibromyalgia I’m pleased with it. There are very few, mostly immaterial inaccuracies.
About models and the effects of the media on body image in their populations, at least. Following Spain’s move last year that banned ultra-thin models from catwalks, France is acting. The “French parliament’s lower house adopted a groundbreaking bill Tuesday…
There’s been a lot of buzz over the past week about a study published in the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that suggests treating fibromyalgia and ME/CFS with cortisol (a steroid), based on the fact that most patients have low…
Happy Valentine’s Day to all, whether you’re part of a couple (triad, quad, etc.) or not 🙂 Sambear brought home truffles and flowers! And iTunesiness! And then he went and cooked delicious steaks for dinner! My baby girl’s sweetie has…
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