I knew there was a reason I subscribe to the heartmath_feed: Study Finds that Curiosity Is Key to Personal Growth in Many Spheres, Including Intimate Relationships Current Mood: 😕curious
The Geek Who Understands You
I knew there was a reason I subscribe to the heartmath_feed: Study Finds that Curiosity Is Key to Personal Growth in Many Spheres, Including Intimate Relationships Current Mood: 😕curious
Survey: Few Outside Christianity Have Positive View of Evangelicals Researcher Says Believers Perceived as ‘Not Particularly Loving’ The story is also reported at http://www.datalounge.com/datalounge/news/record.html?record=20398 if you don’t wish to go the fundie site for it. Current Mood: 🙂amused
Hmm. Interesting, scary—wonder how much truth there is in it? http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/1128-02.htm Current Mood: 😄energetic
Oh, I like this program: http://www.wired.com/news/school/0,1383,56599,00.html Makes lots of sense! Which means it’s extremely unlikely that Gwinnett County, Georgia will do it, unfortunately.
Interesting article: Existential Depression in Gifted Individuals
Yes, it really does fix everything! http://www.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/conditions/10/14/warts.duct.tape.ap/index.html Okay—except for the stuff that needs WD40.
I really hate ironing. But I settle for gaming or watching a video to alleviate the boredom. This is a little much, I think http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/england/2273006.stm
Hey shadesong—this was in my e-mail this morning and I thought of Elayna’s school. ============================ SCHOOL UNIFORMS ON THE WAY OUT In 1994, Long Beach, Calif., was the first big-city public school district to adopt uniforms. When school crime rates…
Yet another missing child story on CNN this morning. 12-year-old girl goes out to ride her bike and doesn’t come home. “The family does not know her friends and have no idea where she may be,” White said. “Crystal has…
Um, deza? Have you seen this?
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