And I thought our cat is spoiled!
Meow Mix Co., whose mission is “keeping cats happy,” says it plans to launch Meow TV, the first television programming targeted specifically at cats.
The idea was born out of recent research by cat lovers revealing that cats enjoy watching television, and The Meow Mix Co.’s desire to bridge the communication gap between cats and “their” people.
The program is scheduled to launch this fall and is kicking off with the Meow TV Tour, a quest for two human voices, one adult and one child.
“According to recent studies, 22 percent of pet owners watch TV shows they know their pets enjoy,” says Richard Thompson, chief executive officer of Meow Mix.
The Meow TV half-hour special will feature the newly chosen voices along with visuals appealing to cats, such as birds, mice, and bouncing balls, as well as fun and entertaining information about cats for people.