Judge Rules N.C. Anti-Cohabitation Law Unconstitutional Of course, the state might appeal, wasting more of their taxpayers’ money. But at least the judge has the right idea! Current Mood: 🙂relievedCurrent Location: home
The Geek Who Understands You
Judge Rules N.C. Anti-Cohabitation Law Unconstitutional Of course, the state might appeal, wasting more of their taxpayers’ money. But at least the judge has the right idea! Current Mood: 🙂relievedCurrent Location: home
From a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Press Release about findings being presented at the International Congress of Neuroendocrinology June 19-22, 2006: Stress during pregnancy may put baby girls at later risk for fibromyalgia New research suggests girls who…
While I doubt the IRS is going to let us claim iPods as medical equipment for tax deductions any time soon, it’s well worth experimenting to see what music soothes each of us. From BBC News via the Net-Gold list:…
Dyspareunia is one of the common symptoms of fibromyalgia, or as a co-existing problem. I don’t usually look at Wired for this kind of thing, but the article When Sex Is a Pain has some good ideas for dealing with…
My Pain, My Brain by Melanie Thernstrom gives us a look at a study being done at Stanford University. Subjects view an area of the brain that is involved in the perception of pain via a functional magnetic resonance imaging…
Researchers find it shocking that 11 percent of American girls between 15 and 19 claim to have same-sex encounters. Clearly they’ve never observed the social rituals of the pansexual, bi-queer, metroflexible New York teen. Ten years ago in the halls…
School: Girl asked to leave for more than same-sex kiss So there are absolutely no current students at that school who have even been rumored to have kissed anybody in a more-than-friendly way? Or (gasp) had such a relationship with…
Typhoid Sony: Firm says virus hides in Sony music software – Nov. 10, 2005 Yep. Pull the other one, it’s got bells on! Current Mood: 🙁pessimistic
CNN.com – Court: Underage sex laws can’t be harsher on gays – Oct 21, 2005
Bias: Lesson 1 from the Media Awareness Network Propaganda Techniques Propaganda Resources on the Web IBM Helps Firefox Reach Disabled 465,000 Georgians at risk for ID theft
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