Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.
First, I’ll answer this week’s SBQ:
What do you do with your charts once you’ve stitched them? Do you keep them or dispose of them? If you keep them, do you organize them in a way that is different from the way you keep your unstitched charts?
I keep them. ALL of them. In fact, Sam has pointed out that collecting charts should be considered a hobby in and of itself, separate from the actual stitching. If I could display my lovely patterns somehow, I would.
Next, I must Squee! For I’ve been asked for an original cross-stitch design for a book that’ll be published this coming year. I’m so tickled! I’m not telling more than that, but it’s all professional and everything.
And finally, that was the impetus for another change. I’ll announce it in the next week. It’s a surprise for now