Update on the noisy neighbors: They’re moving out by the end of July 🙂
The Geek Who Understands You
Update on the noisy neighbors: They’re moving out by the end of July 🙂
We’re focusing on history and science right now, and I’m considering buying a subscription to KnowledgeNews. I respect the breadth and depth of information represented by my friends here, so I’m going to ask a favor of you. Would you…
I learned how to use the autodial feature so that I can call the apartment complex more easily. That isn’t honestly something I ever anticipated.
I can’t help it, it’s funny. The first few days littlefirefae and real_pochacco spent in the Bay area with their mother were unseasonably hot. In their first conversation with sambear after arrival, real_pochacco couldn’t stop complaining about it. Of course,…
All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest—never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle…
Are there LJ equivalents to BlogThis and BlogQuote? If so, I want! If not—come on, pretty please, oh pretty please, you programming geeks, oh PLEASE make them? I’ll adore you! I promise!
Woo hoo! king_james is in the house!
Folks on one of my homeschooling lists are talking about the fitness balls (used as chairs) and balance boards – see http://www.fitter1.com/pkfo.html. I’m curious. In fact, I’m more than curious. I’d kinda like to try it. Have any of y’all…
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