Semester’s Done!

I handed in my final paper for the tech writing class. Yay!

Unfortunately, the professor said he won’t be teaching for the rest of the summer semester, so he won’t be on campus. He should have our grades to the registrar by Monday, but he doesn’t know if we can get them or not, and he won’t post them or get them to us otherwise. We can pick up the rest of our papers come the fall semester. Grrrr!

But anyway, I did finish my first class in my major. From the way the guy was grading, I don’t think I can get better than a B. I’m not dealing with that well. I pretty much demand high As of myself, even without anybody knocking me around to “motivate” me anymore. It’s a habit.

We were given a choice of four topics on which to write a two-page informal report. The 4th was “As a student, you would like to see a change or two in your schools’ policies or procedures…” Well, I’d already been mulling that over—it was just a matter of picking which of many areas to write about! So I did a hypothetical letter to the school about better support for non-traditional students. Now I’m thinking about actually mailing it. Hey, I wrote it, so why not?

My advisor suggested that I take the next course, Foundations of Technical Writing, next semester. It isn’t required, but he suggested it, and he is the head of the department. There are lots of things that look much more interesting. One of them is a “special topic” class, meaning it might not be taught again ever, or at least not any time soon—medical writing. It requires the approval of the department head to get into it. There aren’t any prerequisites other than that and the course I just finished. I’m wondering if it would be way foolish to try taking two TW classes in one semester, but I’d really like to get the medical writing course in. None of the other courses in the curriculum cover that topic at all.

I could take all the rest of the core curriculum classes I need online at Georgia Perimeter or Kennesaw State—if I could get approval from thirty-eleven different people at each school. Why do they have to make it so danged complicated?

sambear, shadowkatt and I went to dinner at Macaroni Grill to celebrate the end of the class. I didn’t realize that Katie hadn’t eaten there before. It was yummy, as usual. But LOUD! Terrazo floors make for lots of echoing. They didn’t have any operatic singers regaling anyone this time, at least‐did they stop that?

Then we went to Borders. I spent lots of time looking at history books, and ended up buying several—A People’s History of the US, Lies My Teacher Told Me<, and the new Don’t Know Much About History (we had the original version in print and on audiotape). I also got Warrior Women: An Archaeologist’s Search for History’s Hidden Heroines.

I considered, but decided to wait on The Book of the Courtesans: A Catalogue of Their Virtues. I may see if the library has a copy. I did read the bit I found there about Veronica Franco.

I did pick up The Artist’s Way. Now I just have to sit down and actually work through it. I wonder how I’d find a “cluster” nearby?

Sam picked up ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life. It seems to include some useful suggestions. He got a couple more volumes of Sandman, too.

Katie is already deep into her pick, Francesca Lia Block’s I Was a Teenage Fairy.

Yes, we went a little nuts at Borders. I don’t go nuts often, so it feels rather odd 🙂

I have a fever again. Foo. So does the cat. I don’t think they’re related, though. I should go to bed!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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