Birthday Sunday

Now I can officially say it: Happy Birthday shadowkatt! You’re the most marvelous daughter I could imagine!

Sam and I spent most of Saturday afternoon running around. We took a load of stuff to Goodwill and got rid of more books than we acquired at the Book Nook (always a difficult feat for us). I scored a marvelous hardback art history book full of lovely full-color plates for $4! Sam picked up Zen Computer. He’s enjoying it but I haven’t gotten my hands on it quite yet.

We went back to Target to get a part for Sam’s watch since it was purchased there (he didn’t have it with him last night). He sweet-talked someone into changing my watch battery, and it works again. Yay!

I had a fit of utter girliness (probably from being bored and wandering the cosmetics aisles during the watch repairs) and acquired two new colors of nail polish, Pink Rose Diamond and Lapis Garnet, from the Sally Hansen Nail Prisms line. I had an excuse there—Katie had expressed interest in trying that brand. I’ve just applied the pink and I rather like it. I’m going to let the girls try the blue/purple first. I also got a small sample size of a new eyeshadow/eyeliner/mascara set and some foundation, since I was almost out of the Clinique foundation I like. I hate malls even more than I adore Clinique. (Except for their nail polish. That sucks. Always has.)

Sam wants something in the entryway to serve as his launching pad1One of the suggestions from the excellent book ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life.—a place to put things he needs to take with him when he leaves. He wants it to be at his eye level, which means it really needs to be a shelf on the wall or a shelf unit with a shelf at that level reserved for him. I’m concerned about avoiding a cluttered hot zone in the entryway, so we’re trying to find something that’ll work for both of us. I thought we’d found it when I remembered a shelf that I saw at Target with four coat hooks underneath it, obviously designed for entryways. Unfortunately, the shelf is very narrow, too narrow for what Sam wants. So we’re still looking.

We bathed Shelley and survived the experience, using the special shampoo for pets with irritated skin and some pet first-aid spray that’s supposed to help the irritation, too. She has finally forgiven me and permitted me to scritch her a few minutes ago. She’s still dissing Sam, even though he fed her most recently.

Now we’re waiting for this year’s version of the flannel bear sheets to finish drying so we can put them on the bed and go to sleep. Bear sheets have become a yearly tradition for us—this is our 3rd or 4th set. They don’t last more than a season because we use them constantly and wash them every week. I guess we should really get at least two sets each year. I really want the matching microfiber comforter. It is SO soft! This year’s sheets are a deep red color with ivory bears. Last year’s sheets were ivory with forest green bears. I think the first ones had blue bears, but I’m not sure now.

We were going to visit UUCM today but plans changed due to a late phone call.

Current Mood: 🙂pleased
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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