Review: Suite 606 by J.D. Robb (and company)

Suite 606 by J.D. Robb

My review

rating: 1 of 5 stars
I only read the story by J.D. Robb. I glanced at the other three, but they’re primarily romance stories, which do NOT interest me.

The whole point of these little anthologies is to introduce readers who enjoy an established author’s work to other, similar authors, right?

I know that J.D. Robb is a pen name for Nora Roberts. I know that the stories she publishes as NR are romances. If I saw an anthology anchored by an NR story, I’d expect it to be full of romances.

However, I don’t read the NR stuff. I only read her JDR books, which have a little romantic spice about the main character, Eve Dallas, and her husband Roarke, with occasional glimpses into Eve’s partner, Peabody’s, relationship with her guy, McNab. That’s it, though. Neither of those sets of relationships are the focal point of the plots. The mystery/crime is the main thing, and while they’re set in the future with the advantages of technology we don’t yet have, they’re essentially police procedurals. (I don’t consider them SF, quite, because all the tech seems to be extrapolated from what we have now, and quite plausible. And, of course, the tech isn’t the point of the stories, either.)

So why not put similar stories in an anthology anchored by a JDR story? Why why why? Misleading and disappointing readers is NOT the way to garner any positive buzz for the lesser-known authors, and the backlash can lead to less enthusiasm from established readers (like me) for the established author’s work.

View all my reviews.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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