Happy Father’s Day to sambear and all the other fathers out there! I started trying to list the ones on my friends list, but it got longer and longer and I realized that I would inevitably leave someone out 🙂
The Geek Who Understands You
Happy Father’s Day to sambear and all the other fathers out there! I started trying to list the ones on my friends list, but it got longer and longer and I realized that I would inevitably leave someone out 🙂
Bah. I can’t find my keycaps font. And we have an entire box of paper that’s AWOL. But https://www.technomom.com/tcom/manual.doc is a draft of my project for class. It’s a tutorial on the current version of PGP Freeware for Windows. Sam…
sambear is “All that and cheesy biscuits!”
Periodic Table of Essential Elements from Alton Brown’s site. I’d never heard of Brown before, but apparently, he’s a “culinary celebrity” or something. I found this by following a Mefi link today. Cute 🙂
A Fatal Imbalance in Medical Treatment Interesting article. But I couldn’t help wondering while reading it whether or not Wayne (Katie’s father) would be alive today if he’d gotten into the clinical trials for that drug, or had just held…
I saw my rheumatologist on May 29. She said she couldn’t prescribe any meds without a bunch of lab work. Her office has had the lab results since June 6. Today is June 13. That’s a full week. After trying…
Addendum to the rules for interacting peacefully with Cyn: If I have something negative to say to one person in particular, I will say it directly to that person. I won’t use a public forum to do it if there’s…
Happy Birthday danuv 🙂
Well damn. Got a cell phone, wanna put the text messaging info in my user profile for friends—and LJ doesn’t list my phone company! Waaahhh! Edit: According to LJ Community LJ_Textessage the text messaging feature went down in April and…
Life is ever so much easier when you’re able to think in black and white. There was a time when I was absolutely sure that not only would I immediately walk away from any partner who was unfaithful to me…
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