Happy Birthday jingoro!
The Geek Who Understands You
Happy Birthday jingoro!
Questions courtesy of bouncepogo
We got through lots of boxes today and sambear took empty boxes and other stuff to the dumpster. Yay! The shelving is set up in the storage room, and the only stuff that is supposed to be on them is…
From wordweaverlynn: 1. If you had to live somewhere else, where would you move? Hmmm. I’ve spent my entire life in Georgia and Alabama. I’ve wanted to visit the Pacific Northwest for years, but I haven’t gotten there yet—I have…
The color printer is dead. Boo. Our scanner died recently, too. The kids’ webcam absolutely will not talk to the kids’ computer. We haven’t been able to get Andre, one of the older PCs, to boot after he was on…
Hmph. I can be in pain, or I can be a little dopey. I’m not happy about these choices. I let the Ultracet get all the way out of my system yesterday, and it was A Mistake. I’m still making…
I’m never good at thinking up questions. I don’t know why. That’s why I don’t usually respond to the “ask me anything” polls—but I love reading the answers to them. In any case, I’ll be happy to do the interview…
So I can find it later: Fibromyalgia Pain Revealed Susan Aldridge, PhD A brain imaging study shows that the pain response in fibromyalgia is real, and differs from normal pain. Fibromyalgia is a mysterious disorder, where people feel tenderness and…
I have a bunch of videotapes with most of the press interviews I’ve done since 1996. I want to transfer them to digital format somehow, and get rid of the crap like commercials and unrelated stories. Are any of my…
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