Note to self: How you feel when you arrive somewhere and park isn’t always related to how you’ll feel come time to leave. So park in the damned handicapped space anyway. You’ll almost certainly be much tireder when it’s time…
The Geek Who Understands You
Note to self: How you feel when you arrive somewhere and park isn’t always related to how you’ll feel come time to leave. So park in the damned handicapped space anyway. You’ll almost certainly be much tireder when it’s time…
Wow—this is an earworm first for me. So I’ll share it. I like traffic lights, I like traffic lights, I like traffic lights, No matter where they’ve been. Now that I’ve been needlessly cruel…
I have pain meds! I do I do I do! And the lab work is being done so that I can get prescriptions for more! I won’t go into the whole odyssey required to get here, but I’m already feeling…
Considering the state of the job market, I decided to pass this lead on in case anyone here is looking for work in the DC area or knows someone who is: Bolling AFB in Washington, DC is looking for candidates…
Whoa—I took sleepytime meds on an empty stomach after not having them at all for over a week. I make no guarantees about the contents of this post. I just had a marvelous conversation with Katie about Dangerous Beauty, which…
I don’t think I’m on any of the poly LJ communities anymore, so I’m going to just ask here and hope for input from friends. I’m asking out of concern for people I love. (Nope, it isn’t me and Sam.)…
Happy Birthday aladriana!
I don’t want an SUV. I want this vehicle! Go read this. It’s incredibly funny 🙂
Today’s sambear quote: “I had to clean the kitchen before I could make eggs because it was just too disgusting. Do you see what you’ve done to me?” I revel in my victory 🙂 Relationship LLC—very interesting stuff. I’m saving…
Exactly how did I miss the release of Tanya Huff’s new Keeper book?
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