Atlanta-Area Folks: Star-Gazing at Emory This Friday

From a mailing list I’m on. Sounds fun, although I can’t remember what else is happening in our lives this Friday. Obviously, it’s open to the public, or it wouldn’t have been sent to the list I’m on 🙂


Dear Members of the Emory Community,

You, your family, and friends are cordially invited to join members of the Physics Department this Friday, November 11th for two outstanding events: First, world-renowned author and BBC/NOVA presenter,Simon Singh, will give a lecture and book signing on his latest book, Big Bang. His lecture, “A History of the Universe in 60 Minutes” not only explains the theory but tells the stories of the pioneering scientists who developed it. Lecture begins at 8:00 PM in White Hall, Room 208–(Suitable for adults, students and mature teens) Doors open at 7:30. His Web site is:

The lecture/book signing is followed by a Planetarium & Observatory Open House–Join Emory astronomers for live views of the planet Mars which is in excellent position for viewing–weather permitting. Just drop by the Planetarium (E300) anytime between 9:00-11:30 PM and stay as long as you like. Telescopes will be set up for your viewing pleasure.

As always, members of the Emory Astronomy Club will have refreshments on sale to keep you going through the evening. For details, please visit:

You can attend either one or both events. Both are FREE. We hope to see you there!

Current Mood: indescribable
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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