Lots of knitting. Lots and lots of knitting. (If you’re on Ravelry, you can see my finished projects.) My hands ache from the knitting, particularly the left because I knit Continental. I think I may have to learn to knit English just to swap off on occasion.
We’ve been going out to hear more live music—three house concerts this fall. I love me some house concerts! In fact, I need to write some music reviews. I’m also in a couple of RPGs each week, one Dresden Files and another 5th edition D&D. And I’ve been doing a little consulting on the side.
I haven’t found anything I’ve enjoyed reading enough to write about recently. That takes love for the subject matter. I am still reading (it’s like breathing for me), there are just more articles and listening to more podcasts and fewer books. I’m missing the fiction I usually consume, but I’m sure I’ll be back to it soon enough.
The need to re-do my websites is present again. Know anyone who does good custom WordPress themes?
I’ve been looking back on my web content, wanting to update it. Much of it was written when I wasn’t working. I mean, I had plenty of work to do, because I was a SAHM to three kids and we entertained frequently. But I wasn’t working for anyone outside the family. I love working, but it takes up most of my energy, so I just don’t have it to put into the web anymore. I don’t want to give up the site, though—there’s a lot of history in technomom.com, going all the way back to 1995.