
I walked away from the geek stuff for a much-needed break. I colored and stitched a bit, and Sam and I gamed for a while. I need to do homework. I haven’t done it yet. I don’t wanna at the moment.

Sam made biscuits for me this morning 🙂

I enjoyed a sybaritic soak in the garden tub with bath salts while gaming with Sam. I am more and more committed to finding a way to have a hot tub so we can enjoy hot tub gaming! Come on—we really don’t roll dice that frequently anyway. And social gatherings in hot tubs are less shocking than social gatherings in bathtubs. I don’t think most people we game with would be very willing to come to hang out in a bath for gaming, even if the tub were large enough.

I need a hairdresser on this side of town. Any suggestions? I tend to find someone I trust and say, “Do something that looks good and doesn’t require much from me” so the person needs to be very good.

I think I’m going to go back to my natural hair color of really dark brown and stop dying my hair altogether. Yes, the grey will be more and more pronounced—not a big deal. The only downside to coloring back to my “real” color is that I won’t have the highlights that really are mine naturally for a while—but I suppose a good salon could take care of that too.

tbrents came and got Patches yesterday, taking her to his parents’ home. I hope she’s happier there. She had started growling at me, too, and she didn’t seem to be feeling well. We were worried about her and rather anxious about the possibility of her biting someone else, especially with a 6-year-old guest in the house right now. Tim’s graceful handling of the situation impressed me—he wasn’t angry at us (or he didn’t seem that way), he wasn’t blaming anyone, and he responded more quickly than he had to when Sam called him about the matter. He’s quite the gentleman. I know there are plenty of single ladies among my local friends—y’all should definitely meet this guy if you haven’t already done so!

I’ve really been enjoying chatting with devichan when they’re not at D*C. docrailgun is a nice fella, but very very quiet, so I still don’t know much about him other than the fact that he and Devi are marvelous parents. Peek is just too cute!

Current Mood: 🙂happy
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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