Can I Get a Day to Recover From the Weekend, Now?

curiousmay9 left town Friday to visit with her family. Her grandmother passed away on Saturday. The grand lady had been in a nursing home for years, and her death did not come as a surprise. Still, it’s never easy to lose a dear one.

shadowkatt‘s recital was marvelous. All of her numbers were great, and she was beautiful. I’m very pleased that none of the classes of girls over 5 or so had real problems with their numbers. That’s a good measure of how the teachers are in general.

dracofrost spent the weekend here, and was a great help. As sambear mentioned, the van’s windshield was broken Saturday. That happened when Sam was on his way home from the hour-long (each way!) trip to the rehearsal/performance site. While the van could, technically, be driven, it wasn’t truly safe.

dracofrost came to the rescue. Thank you! We literally could not have done it without you!

I’m starting to think that there’s some sort of law that says dance recitals must be held in places between “no” and “where.” This recital was held at the West Georgia College Performing Arts Center, in Carrolton.

It’s a perfectly nice, but small, facility. The sole reason for having two shows was that they couldn’t fit all the family members in the audience for one. Katie tells me that they had to do a lot of adjustments in rehearsal because the practice rooms at the studio are wider than the stage.

My beef, though, is the lack of any pleasant place to while away hours during, say, a 10-hour dress rehearsal. Right at the college entrance, there are McDonald’s, Arby’s, and Krystal’s restaurants. If you go down a bit further, you get to a place that’s simply labeled “sports bar and grille,” then the Mellow Mushroom.

Katie and Josh had dinner with all four of the girl’s grandparents Sunday afternoon between shows—at McDonald’s, for lack of a better venue. dracofrost is to be commended for his survival.

The van is at the auto hospital now, getting a new windshield and miscellaneous other little repairs. I’m driving curiousmay9‘s car, as she sweetly offered it.

Here’s to a good night of sleep for all!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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