What to Say?

A friend just posted one of those “anonymous confession posts,” enabling anonymous commenting and disabling IP address logging. I never have anything to say in those threads. I can’t think of anything that I wouldn’t just say as me. I…


Thanks to Sam, I’m sitting at my lovely new computer armoire. I have all manner of devices connected to my USB hub. The cable for downloading photos from my camera or putting songs on my MP3 player is right here,…


The good thing about having all the MP3s on one machine, served to the network, is that we can all get to them and they don’t suck up hard drive space on each machine. The bad thing is that there…

That’s Happy

There are lyrics to supposedly ancient songs at the beginning of every chapter of Juliet McKenna’s The Gambler’s Fortune. I was waiting in the car for Katie last week, and a melody came to me for one of them. The…

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