I subscribe to several different “word of the day” lists. Some are technical, like the whatis.com list. One is from Buzzwhack. Several are just “normal” lists. Every time there’s actually a new-to-me word on one of them, I get all…
The Geek Who Understands You
I subscribe to several different “word of the day” lists. Some are technical, like the whatis.com list. One is from Buzzwhack. Several are just “normal” lists. Every time there’s actually a new-to-me word on one of them, I get all…
wordweaverlynn was talking about Netflix queues a while back. I meant to reply, but at this date, it would be weird to reply to the post. The list is also just too danged long to put in a comment. Amazingly,…
sambear has been sick, poor baby! He spent his entire week off work being miserable. I’m hoping he’s mostly recovered by the time he does return to work on Tuesday. He has almost no voice, and it hurts to talk,…
Yeah, well, it’s almost the end of January 2 🙂 But I haven’t spent that much time online, in favor of family, homework, and stitching. I decided to split the update into several posts. Happy Birthday to cybrcat! I’m sorry…
ozarque said something in her journal that I’ve been thinking about: There is a metaprinciple for the entire Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense system which says that in verbal confrontations and disagreements your goal is that there should never be…
Cats being, well, cats. Anyone who has lived with them has had moments when we wish we had a camera on. Some people obviously did. Current Mood: 🙂amused
I posted something about coloring pages on the net a long time ago, with more interest than I would have expected. This just came across a homeschooling list: New Coloring Pages for Pagan Kids, ( 16 Pictures) have been posted…
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