
sambear has been sick, poor baby! He spent his entire week off work being miserable. I’m hoping he’s mostly recovered by the time he does return to work on Tuesday.

He has almost no voice, and it hurts to talk, so we haven’t been gaming.

As a result, we’ve watched lots of DVDs.

I finally saw Return of the King. The next day, curiousmay9 went out and got the extended version, so now I’ll have to watch it all over again to see the 65 minutes of additional footage. I’ve never been impressed with Frodo and was just annoyed by the little git this time. Samwise is my favorite character.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind isn’t a comfortable movie, but it’s a good one. mayremi has to be related to Kate Winslet in some way, as their looks and even mannerisms are simply too close to be chance. Elijah Wood played a little creep in it, a role that suits him.

I didn’t realize that I, Robot had nothing to do with the Asimov novel but the name, the name of the main female character, and the fact that there are robots in it. I wasn’t incredibly attached to the novel (I’m not a big Asimov fan). Like Starship Troopers, though, I find it annoying to have a movie using the name of a book and the author’s cachet with no real relation to the original story.

We watched all 13 episodes of Firefly, some again, some for the first time (for me, anyway). I have trouble watching “the last” of something I enjoy, so I’d been putting off watching the last few episodes. They were great, as expected. The ending is jarring, though, with absolutely no resolution of various plots. I hope Serenity takes care of that. The ideal would be to have someone buy the show and put it back on TV, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

I was present while others watched Princess Mononoke Friday. I don’t like anime, and I’ve seen most of it before, so I was really just enjoying the snuggling.

The Red Violin is another very good, but not comfortable, movie. How many movies have you watched that start in Italian, go to German, then French, then Chinese, and finally English?

Hellboy was what I expected it to be.

Van Helsing was even worse than I feared.

Ladyhawke was every bit as lovely as I remembered it.

The Affair of the Necklace was well-done, but I don’t like schemers, so it was hard to like the main characters.

The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain was sweet. Has Hugh Grant ever played a character who could utter simple declarative sentences? He’s so hesitant!

Big Trouble in Little China is always fun.

Blazing Saddles isn’t as funny the second or third time you see it as it was the first time, but it is fine as a funny-one-time.

sambear loves LA Story. I’m not much of a fan, largely because of the bad behavior of most of the secondary characters.

We finally finished watching the third season of Alias, so we’re ready for the beginning of the fourth season next week.

And there are still 469 items in our Netflix queue.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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