Reading LJ Community Polyamory means daily exposure to train wrecks. I wouldn’t do it at all if it weren’t that I like to see what the denizens of LJ Community Dot_Poly_Snark are chortling about. Someone deleted a snark post that…
The Geek Who Understands You
Reading LJ Community Polyamory means daily exposure to train wrecks. I wouldn’t do it at all if it weren’t that I like to see what the denizens of LJ Community Dot_Poly_Snark are chortling about. Someone deleted a snark post that…
I need to do laundry. The dryer is making A Bad Noise. I think it has something to do with the drum, as it happens even when the machine is empty. It’s a scrape-y sort of noise. In happier news,…
Check out Amazing Paper Airplanes and Flight 2.0. I’ve never made one myself, but they look cool.
Okay – who’s gonna modify this thing to have Kinsey numbers, rather than just “straight.” I’m more accurately a Kinsey 2 than “straight.”
I’m snuggled up in the bed with a woozy shadowkatt and a sleeping Shelley. Shelley sleeps even more than most cats now, which probably isn’t that unusual for a cat who’ll be 16 in a few weeks. The girl woke…
I’ve posted frequently lately, but not so much that’s truly personal. I’m doing a lot of emotional processing, which is usually the case when I’m quiet like that. I think I’ve just about come to the close of this intense…
I’ve wanted to go whitewater rafting again since I tried it with Katie’s father around 1989. It was a marvelous, exhilarating experience! I’ve decided it’s time to stop “wanting” and talking about it and just plan a trip. Katie is…
I run a mailing list for people in Georgia who are interested in creating communities, cohousing, etc. It’s a fairly private list, as it grew out of our homeschooling group. We don’t advertise its existence and are always rather surprised…
What could be bad about a day that ends with snuggles with both partners? Okay, so it didn’t start so well. I have to acknowledge that bronchitis has triggered a flare. BUT—sambear took care of me, and there was nothing…
Well, it was a busy weekend, and I was looking forward to a quiet Monday. I didn’t get it, but it could have been much worse. Friday night, my marvelous family hosted a birthday party for me. curiousmay9 and I…
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