Sam has talked about this subject in several of his podcasts, but I don’t think I’ve ever tried to address it. I may fail miserably, but I’ll try. Sam and I had one of our twice-weekly “date nights” tonight. That…
The Geek Who Understands You
Sam has talked about this subject in several of his podcasts, but I don’t think I’ve ever tried to address it. I may fail miserably, but I’ll try. Sam and I had one of our twice-weekly “date nights” tonight. That…
Sam had to work very late tonight, dealing with a new phone system that was being installed at the office. The poor guy came in after 8:30! After that, though, we had a nice, totally relaxed evening. The three of…
I got through NaBloPoMo, as ridiculous as it was to commit to posting at least once a day for a month. So of course that small success has led me, in a moment of more-than-usual-lunacy, to sign up for Blog365… From Laurie McGuinness, part of a hilarious series. Thanks for the pointer, Precious!
Hmm – what do you think of this PED3 rotating iPhone/iTouch stand? We aren’t about to get any iPhones, but Sam has been drooling over the iTouch.
I’m in love with this little puppy, thanks to Precious Jen. But what kind of dog is it? Anybody know?
This joyous image was an Honorable Mention award winner in the People category of the 2nd Annual Spider Awards in 2006. The contest, apparently well known in the art world, seeks the best in black and white photography from around…
“His date works for Red Hat, who hired a coach for her, too. He advised her to, ‘Rent lots of movies like Hitch. Guys love those.’”
We were tickled to be part of the (how manyth?) annual Scarlettalia last night! For those who have never been blessed by participation, it honors the arrival of Scarlett Ross upon our planet. This year’s theme was Polynesian Poi, so…
Sam has started another podcast in cahoots with Bill Walton. This one, Square One, is for completely new gamers. Check it out – they’ve done a good job. I’m in one episode, though I don’t think that one’s up yet.…
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