Sam has started another podcast in cahoots with Bill Walton. This one, Square One, is for completely new gamers. Check it out – they’ve done a good job. I’m in one episode, though I don’t think that one’s up yet.
Sam and I are part of a group playing Out in the Black, a Serenity RPG module, that’s being recorded for the After Serenity podcast. The first episode has already been put out on the feed, and the second episode should be out soon (we’ve already recorded it).
At home we’re still playing Ravenflight together. Silken Moonlight is on hold ’til Sonji can join us again. She’s always too busy to play from about September to January each year. Sam reconnected with someone we gamed with in the past recently, and we have hopes of gaming with a group he’s part of before too long.
We (Sam and Katie and I) have been watching the first season of Veronica Mars on DVD. It’s a good show, with a bit of a non-supernatural Buffy feel. We’re also watching the last episodes of Alias. The contrast is interesting, to say the least. Since we get around to watching maybe one episode of one or the other a week, it’s slow going.
I finally finished watching Rent, too. Sam and I have both found that movie to be a dreadful earworm generator. I picked up the soundtrack CD at the library this weekend, and will try listening to it ’til I’m sick of it. Maybe that will help.
Sam has a small TV in the kitchen, and he always has some other series going in the DVD player there to keep him company while cooking if someone isn’t in the kitchen with him. The current one is Penn & Teller – Bullsh*t! The Complete Second Season. I thought I’d watched that, but apparently, I misremembered. Penn is awfully attention-getting, even without a visual.