
I just finished reading Born in Death by J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts). It’s the latest in the Eve Dallas series and a good read. I took a break from The Star Scroll, part of Melanie Rawn’s Dragon Prince series, to read the Robb book. The series is good, and I enjoy Rawn’s writing, but I went straight into this series after reading the first two books of her Exiles of Ambrai series, so I needed a break and took one when the library called to say that BiD was available.

I have to say, though, that I’m more than slightly put out over the Exiles of Ambrai series. I got these books through someone on Freecycle, and I could have sworn that I made sure I had all the books of the series before I began reading them. I read book one, The Ruins of Ambrai, and went immediately into book 2, The Mageborn Traitor. They were wonderful! Then I couldn’t actually put my hands on book three. No problem, I thought. I should be able to buy it, right? Volumes one and two were put out in 1994 and 1997, respectively. Surely book three, The Captal’s Tower has been out for years by now!

Um, no. And it doesn’t really seem very likely that it will be out. I realize it isn’t something Rawn did on purpose or would have chosen, but dammit, I want the rest of the story NOW! This is why I usually try so hard not to read series that haven’t been fully published! I mean, the Eve Dallas series isn’t a series in the same sense as the Exiles series is—each book stands alone. There are some issues that were carried over from one book to the next, especially in earlier novels. But you could pick up any of them and be satisfied by the book itself. The Exiles story has been left hanging. The arc is unfinished. Fantasy trilogies are different than detective/mystery series. They just are.


Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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