Favorville! Okay – I’m not giving up Freecycle completely I even defended Freecycle in the comments of an A-list blog yesterday!), as Favorville will have to build a lot of momentum before it gets the same level of networking that…
The Geek Who Understands You
Favorville! Okay – I’m not giving up Freecycle completely I even defended Freecycle in the comments of an A-list blog yesterday!), as Favorville will have to build a lot of momentum before it gets the same level of networking that…
(I broke one long entry up into several shorter ones since there wasn’t much to relate the items, anyway.) I got a catalog yesterday about “Zen at the Mountain Monastery.” I have no idea why I’m on the mailing list…
Community. Somewhere there are people to whom we can speak with passion without having the words catch in our throats. Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate…
I run a mailing list for people in Georgia who are interested in creating communities, cohousing, etc. It’s a fairly private list, as it grew out of our homeschooling group. We don’t advertise its existence and are always rather surprised…
We had a lovely day, although with a slightly smaller crowd than in past years. wordcandlemage was sorely missed, as a migraine kept him at home hiding from the wicked daystar. dracofrost‘s stepmother was ill, so we didn’t have the…
GLBT Host Home Program The GLBT Host Home Program offers adults in the community the opportunity to open their homes to homeless queer youth. Young people needing homes are connected to adults with extra bedrooms. It’s really that easy! Hosts…
Go read Legalize Neighborhoods Again. Think about it. Talk about it here.
Time Dollar USA What are Time Dollars? Time Dollars are a tax-exempt kind of currency that empower people to convert their personal time into purchasing power by helping others and by rebuilding family, neighborhood and community. An hour helping another…
anansi133, I tried to post this link as a reply to one of your comments, and LJ burped. Then I decided that it was good enough to deserve its own post, anyway. Ganked from giza: A Group Is Its Own…
WorldChanging is a feed for Another World Is Here. It’s described as “a new collaborative weblog dedicated to tools for building sustainability, democracy, open systems and a future one would want to live in.” I joined the mailing lists for…
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