Another Lovely Day

What could be bad about a day that ends with snuggles with both partners?

Okay, so it didn’t start so well. I have to acknowledge that bronchitis has triggered a flare. BUT—sambear took care of me, and there was nothing that I had to do, so I rested all day.

After curiousmay9 came home and all five borrowed teens were here, sambear ran a Vampire game that apparently rocked muchly. He also cooked astonishing quantities of food with help from mayremi, dracofrost and shadowkatt.

We have our mayremi, who has been absent from us for far too long, and who we have missed terribly.

After curiousmay9 woke from her nap, she and I piled into the bed, watched Alias DVDs and snuggled. She designed a lovely medallion for the entryway of the cottage, which will be tiled today.

She left with redcrowstudio‘s boy and the other C this morning, bellies full of sambear‘s bounteous breakfast. He’s running Amber Diceless for the remaining teens.

sambear and I also had a delicious dinner at Outback Friday night. The food and company were far better than the atmosphere, as we both ended up having breathing problems due to cigarette smoke. I look forward to the day when “no smoking in restaurants” is the law statewide. We drove around a bit afterward, visited Borders, and came home, gaming all the while. Very, very good game I look forward to more of it.

I hope your weekend is going every bit as well 🙂

Current Mood: 🙂content
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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