I woke up with the non-pregnancy version of morning sickness this morning, for no obvious reason. Gah. The family kindly let me sleep it off. Now I’m taking shadowkatt to do her yearly standardized testing. We’ll have dinner after that…
The Geek Who Understands You
I woke up with the non-pregnancy version of morning sickness this morning, for no obvious reason. Gah. The family kindly let me sleep it off. Now I’m taking shadowkatt to do her yearly standardized testing. We’ll have dinner after that…
I know they’d do it sooner or later! There’s now a wet-dry Roomba that vacuums, scrubs, and dries hard floors!
Hot water on demand is a gift from the goddess. I have the internet to maintain connections with all you lovely people. My laptop makes it much easier to use the internet connection. My paraffin bath is marvelous, as long…
Psychiatrists want recognition of gay marriage Representatives of the nation’s top psychiatric group approved a statement Sunday urging legal recognition of gay marriage. If approved by the association’s directors in July, the measure would make the American Psychiatric Association the…
I just submitted an article to a magazine for publication. Wish me luck!
Note to self: Talk to pain management doc about drugs for breakthrough pain. I’m very close to tears from the pain today. Let’s say it’s a 8.9 on the Mankowski scale. I’m really wishing I had someone else to get…
sambear and I went to the Renaissance Festival today! It was wonderful. I didn’t feel like going this morning. That’s usually my worst time of day. But I knew that if I had to wimp out during the visit, Sam…
I made a few minor changes to an article on my site, then realized I’d never linked it from any other page: Coming Clean: Transitioning From Cheating to a Polyamorous Relationship
Reading LJ Community Polyamory means daily exposure to train wrecks. I wouldn’t do it at all if it weren’t that I like to see what the denizens of LJ Community Dot_Poly_Snark are chortling about. Someone deleted a snark post that…
Katie and I took Shelley to the vet today. We were worried, as Katie had seen blood in the stool of some cat when changing the catbox that Shelley uses most often. We’re keeping Shelley isolated for the next couple…
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