WISH 75: Religion and Controversy (from Perverse Access Memory): A lot of neogamers I play with are uncomfortable with taking real religions and putting them into play. With all the “Satanist” backlash against D&D that there’s been, do you feel…
The Geek Who Understands You
WISH 75: Religion and Controversy (from Perverse Access Memory): A lot of neogamers I play with are uncomfortable with taking real religions and putting them into play. With all the “Satanist” backlash against D&D that there’s been, do you feel…
I stopped reading LJ yesterday morning, and while I tried to take a quick look at what I missed this morning I doubt I’ll get to truly catch up. Sorry! We had a delicious meal yesterday thanks to sambear, who…
I sat down today at curiousmay9 ‘s house and stitched not just to keep my hands busy while something else was happening, but just to stitch. That hasn’t happened in quite a while. I enjoyed it. Okay, I enjoyed it…
sambear is throwing a birthday party for me tonight! If you didn’t get an invitation and want one, contact him. 🙂 It feels rather odd to say that, even. I can’t remember my last birthday party. Birthdays have pretty much…
The science section of yesterday’s Times addressed some of the “big questions” still facing science: http://www.nytimes.com/indexes/2003/11/10/science/text/index.html dwivian is here game geeking with sambear. I tried to get up several hours before my meds released me from slumber, so I have…
Channel your violent tendencies! And something completely different Telephone Repairman by Joseph Millar All morning in the February light he has been mending cable, splicing the pairs of wires together according to their colors, white-blue to white-blue violet-slate to violet-slate,…
Well, I got lots done today. Sorta. I marked a lot of things off my to-do list, but they weren’t really thing-things, if that makes any sense. I took care of stuff like a LOT of phone calls, and actually…
I am so geeky. I actually spent time this morning writing down stuff about the government of the country one of my D&D characters has found herself queen of. I mean, heck, you’re starting a whole new place essentially from…
Have you tried roleplaying your own life?
I started to just send this to sambear via email, then realized that there are quite a few people I know here who might appreciate it: Game WISH—weekly writing exercise for gamers Thanks to immlass for creating it. You can…
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