Friday Frittering

I’ve never had a reason to walk into a Bath & Body Works store before. Now I know they carry Burt’s Bees products, so I do. shadowkatt got some in her Christmas stocking last year and has loved them, so I think we’ll go on a girly trip when we get money.

Samba stopped talking to the world. I have to get into the Linux box and figure out why. For now, I cannot get into the email downloaded before yesterday, or to some of the other files I want.

sambear needed the car today, so he took shadowkatt to see her neurologist, then he’ll drop her off at a friend’s house for a sleepover, then he’s off to Jimmy K’s place again. We have alone time planned tonight for the first time in the last month or so!

The neurologist visit is just a check-in since he hasn’t seen her in over a year but continues to prescribe the Requip she takes for her restless leg syndrome. Thankfully, she hasn’t had a migraine in a long time—a year, maybe? I’m hoping she won’t have anymore, ever.

I do need to call her orthodontist today and reschedule Monday’s appointment to get the wires on for her braces. The oral surgeon decided not to pull the teeth when he saw her this week, so that can’t happen ’til next Thursday, and the wires need to be done after that. (Done—now wires go on September 4.)

We had much fun last night gaming with tbrents and LJless Jeremiah. shadowkatt joined the game, as well. I played the “baby” version of the bard, Tarafear, who I played in our long-running Stars & Garters campaign and still play in our high-level home game, Rose & Crown. There are times when it really is more fun to play a lower-level character because you have to be MUCH more creative in dealing with problems.

I really love my classes. We had a great discussion in one of my courses yesterday about theories of education. I learned that I’m a “constructivist.”

We have three texts for that class. One is about Word 2002. The other two are about careers in technical communications. The professor has divided the course into two groups, with one book assigned to each group. Those who are fairly new to the TCOM program were assigned a chapter of the simpler book to summarize. Those who are seniors in the program are to do a presentation on a chapter of the meatier book. We got our chapters and dates by lottery. I’m in the seniors group for some insane reason, despite the fact that I’m a sophomore and this is just my second semester in the program. Um, okay. It definitely isn’t an age issue, as there are other “non-traditional” (read: old enough to be parents to many of the “traditional” students) students in the other group.

Tom, another TCOM major who is a senior, and I will be acting as project coordinators for both projects in the web fundamentals course. He has a background in graphics, and I seem to have more HTML background than any of the other students. That’s going to be interesting.

I think Shelley is having senior moments or something. She begs and begs for food, even when she’s got food. If I go in and move the food that’s there around, sometimes she’ll eat it. Sometimes she won’t—she just keeps begging. If I open another can of exactly the same thing, she’ll dig into it. I’m refusing to feed her more ’til she’s finished what she has today. She’s very, very persistent. No, cat, you are NOT allowed to climb my bare legs!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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