Kitchen Counters

The counters in our new apartment get stained if anything sits on them for an hour or so! Saturday night we had fresh strawberries for dessert, and I didn’t clean up the bowl immediately because we had guests over for…


So today is a “gettin’ shit done” day around here. We’ll be rewarded by having curiousmay9, wordcandlemage and “hasn’t succumbed to the LJ cult yet” J joining us at 4 for food and gaming. We’re keeping at least two of…

Homecaring Book

So apparently a book about homecaring (thank you !) for the rest of us might be useful. What would you want to see in such a book? What would make you buy it? What kinds of questions/concerns do you have…


Rotisserie does not, to my surprise, refer primarily to a way of cooking meat. The stuff I subscribe to for homeschooling kids frequently teaches me new things, too 🙂 The principal contributor to loneliness in this country is television. What…

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