Eeek! The only truly significant thing we have left to move is the piano. We had arranged for significant amounts of muscle to be present to help with it, but now we are losing people. One lost his mother, one…
The Geek Who Understands You
Eeek! The only truly significant thing we have left to move is the piano. We had arranged for significant amounts of muscle to be present to help with it, but now we are losing people. One lost his mother, one…
Mostly, anyway 🙂 We didn’t have a net connection here until today, so we’ve been out of touch with much of our normal world. I’ve tried to remember to call or send emails to people with our new phone number…
So we’re doing a “staged move” as a dear friend calls it. We need help with packing. We haven’t gotten nearly enough done due to the confluence of school weirdness, illness, and transportation problems. Anybody who can help move whatever…
We survived mediation. The Guardian ad Litem suggested that we come to a temporary agreement allowing the children to visit their mother in California for the summer, and we worked out the details with help of the mediator. I do…
We did, in fact, get the apartment we want. After the deposit check cleared our bank, we called to make sure—they just hadn’t called us for some reason. Odd on their side, in my opinion, but we’re still quite happy!…
Happy Mothers Day! I must gloat. Not only did my sambear post a lovely entry that made me cry last night, I finally have my carpet steamer! A deep-cleaner of my very own! I am SO happy! While it may…
I followed the link from dslartoo‘s interesting post today to Are We Grown Up Yet? Study Says Not ‘Till 26. I’m not really surprised by the survey results. I knew that my views on adulthood—both who qualifies, and when people…
Ever have one of those days when you’ve been extremely busy, but feel like you didn’t really get anything done? I know, as I look back over my task list, that I did accomplish things. Significant things. Things that involved…
It’s been a really busy week at the TechnoZoo—even more so than usual. We are continuing to prepare for the move, lightening the load by releasing clutter. It feels very good to get rid of stuff! We need to get…
So we found the apartment we want. We put in an application and deposit. We’d appreciate “approve them!” vibes from all of you 🙂 This is especially important because our landlord has decided to be an asshole. After three years…
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