Mediation, Co-Parenting, College, Moving

We survived mediation. The Guardian ad Litem suggested that we come to a temporary agreement allowing the children to visit their mother in California for the summer, and we worked out the details with help of the mediator.

I do not envy that woman her job. She has an incredible amount of patience!

Sam and I are both worn out. It took much longer than the estimated two hours, and ended up costing money that wasn’t budgeted, which isn’t a good thing (especially during moving). But we have a temporary agreement.

I had a chance to speak to Sam’s ex-wife’s partner for the first time while we were waiting. He seems a very nice fellow and later asked Sam about possibly chatting about game design with him some other time. The four of us briefly discussed gardening while waiting for the mediator.

Ideally, all four of us would be able to communicate amicably as needed regarding the children. I think that would certainly be in their best interests. My ex-husband and I were able to do so with Katie’s father and stepmother. I know that our willingness and ability to co-parent was extremely good for her, and it made many things far simpler than they would have been otherwise.

I suggested that we all get together for a meal sometime. I don’t think she liked the idea, but I don’t know her well and might have simply misread her expression.

I finally got past some of the financial aid hassles at school, though when the actual loan checks will come is still a total mystery. I was “advised” today via phone—I really like my advisor. I should be able to register via their web system now, but it won’t let me. Blech. Monday, then. And classes start Tuesday.

The advisor says I don’t need any intro to computers classes, just a programming class. That’s a wee bit scary. Because of the financial aid delays, the online class I wanted is full, so I’ll have to take it in the meat world. I have to take at least 12 semester hours to be a full-time student. He warned me that it’s going to feel like 18 hours because of the summer semester compression effect. I guess two fewer kids during that period might be a benefit!

He also said he’ll put me in touch with the gentleman who can give me credit for the public speaking course, to see if the TV interviews I’ve done can be used instead of actually taking that class. Yay!

With mediation running longer than planned, we didn’t get over to the new apartment today. We’ll go first thing tomorrow morning instead. I need to measure the apartment in detail so that we can plan out where all the furniture goes. Sam wants to do it in Visio this time instead of my traditional graph paper. I sorta like physically moving around my little furniture models, but I’ll let him have his fun.

I need to neaten up a little before the gamers arrive. We’re out of dishwasher detergent, which is annoying. Hopefully, Sam will remember to get some while he’s out!

Current Mood: 😴tired
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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