I really want this magazine. I need another magazine subscription like I need another hole in my head, but I want it.
I wasn’t online much at all yesterday, or indeed all weekend. I am letting go of the feeling that I MUST get caught up on LJ and email. If it came to a mailing list, I’m not going to bother to read it. I’ll eventually get to the personal mail, but please don’t think I’m avoiding you. I can’t possibly catch up with LJ.
This weekend was very full. On Friday Sam and I had dinner, then we went to ChocoLaté for a PSE meet-n-greet. Saturday we gamed with some marvelous folks, and were graced by the arrival of wayabear and ottergrrl. I drew them into the paraffin bath cult! Sunday was too soon for them to go, but they had to get back home.
Sunday. Oh yes! We got a lot done around the house after our guests went home. I finally studied for my history test, which was yesterday. I had trouble getting to sleep when I finally did get in bed, for some reason—the same thing happened last night.
So Monday morning I did my morning pages and then left to get Katie to the orthodontist. She got the spacers to make way for her braces. She’s still got to have another four teeth pulled—permanent ones, this time. The oral surgeon who pulled her baby teeth has retired. I don’t really want to start all over again, so we’ll just use the same practice—but getting a new referral from the pediatrician isn’t going terribly smoothly.
We ran lots of errands and I delivered the girl to my parents’ house for a visit. Then I sat in one of those inexplicable traffic jams that simply happen for absolutely no reason at times around Atlanta.
I got home, ate finally (I forgot to do it earlier), looked up a few last terms for the history test, then went to school. The test took all of 10 minutes, then the professor graded it. I got a 98, having guessed one digit wrong on which amendment actually freed the slaves. I’ve never studied Georgia history before and actually found it pretty interesting.
Then I had my computer course, which involved a lot of talk about careers for computer science majors. Next Monday each student does a 10-minute presentation (including Q&A time) and I got my topic last night. Next Thursday is the final, which I’ll post about later. Then I’m done with the summer semester!
Sam used his big birthday present, an enormous George Foreman grill, to make dinner. It was delicious—in fact, I do believe I’ll go warm up a steak for lunch.
I read most of an issue of Psychology Today while unwinding last night. I got a free subscription recently somehow. I enjoy that one. There were several articles in it that I need to see if I can find online, as I think they’d be of interest to surrdave and a couple of other people.
I’ve been in a non-fiction mood lately. I devoured The Tomorrow Log as soon as we got it, but otherwise I just haven’t been very interested in fiction. I couldn’t get into Kushiel’s Avatar despite having waited for it to come out. I have the first volume of Diane Duane’s “Door” series waiting to be re-read, but I would prefer to wait until the next volume is released (whenever that is), completing the series.
Oh! Friday I also got an email out of the blue with a proposal that seems to have been crafted by the universe to precisely suit our needs. I can have an income, keep my tech skills alive, and not have to leave home. Yes! I’m so happy!
I had planned to do a lot of things today, but I haven’t been as productive as I’d like. I did get several loads of laundry done, but I just feel mentally exhausted. I think my introvert self-preservation filters have kicked in, demanding that I have some downtime. Even making phone calls seems too much exposure to the world. Perhaps I’ll just vegetate for a bit.