Mom took the girls to the Rennaissance Festival this Saturday. They had a great time—in costume, of course. They never miss an opportunity to dress up like that! real_pochacco stayed home with Papa (that’s my father, not Sam). He was…
The Geek Who Understands You
Mom took the girls to the Rennaissance Festival this Saturday. They had a great time—in costume, of course. They never miss an opportunity to dress up like that! real_pochacco stayed home with Papa (that’s my father, not Sam). He was…
This is my first net fix since Saturday! At least sambear FINALLY found out (supposedly) what the problem was. Supposedly our account was disabled in their system. They don’t know why—it was paid in full. We strongly suspect that it…
So this is day three of the uncertain net connection. A tech is supposed to be here tomorrow (yes, on Sunday) to replace the cable modem, as it is supposedly the culprit. I do not, in all honesty, anticipate having…
Some of you have visited our home. About how many square feet would you say it is? I don’t have a good sense of such things, and I’m trying to get a sense so I can compare to some of…
Dammit, I want reliable housemates. I just found a way neat house listed for rent, with a pool and 6 bedrooms and 3.5 baths. It’s only $100 a month more than we pay now. Yeah, yeah, we’re looking for CHEAPER…
Happy Birthday semperfiona and sleepingwolf! Current Mood: 🙁sadCurrent Music: Puzzlebox – Some Assembly Required
There’s a red clay wasteland in our back yard, punctuated by bits of white flexible pipe tossed aside by the workers who installed the new septic tank last Tuesday. It looks dreadful. The landlord has no plans to put out…
I hate daylight savings time. It’s a silly fiction. Okay, all human timekeeping systems are a fiction, but dammit, why can’t we just stay consistent with them instead of monkeying with them twice a year? I want a subscription to…
Thanks to Netflix, we watched Reign of Fire last night. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t really *watch* it. I was sorting through old papers and weeding out files. sambear enjoyed it, though, and he’d been wanting to see…
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