Quiet Evening

Thanks to Netflix, we watched Reign of Fire last night. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t really *watch* it. I was sorting through old papers and weeding out files. sambear enjoyed it, though, and he’d been wanting to see it for a long time, so it was well worth the time. shadowkatt seemed to like it, too. Now she’s watching Much Ado About Nothing.

I was disappointed to find that Netflix doesn’t have The Mouse That Roared, or Paint Your Wagon, or The President’s Analyst. I wanted Sam to see those.

littlefirefae and real_pochacco left for their spring break visit with their mother yesterday. We didn’t hear anything last night, so I have to assume that they did arrive safely. I always worry about them, simply because I can’t see them and assure myself that they’re okay. It’s a Mommy thing, I guess. I’m sure they’ll enjoy themselves, though. real_pochacco was particularly excited about seeing the linear accelerator at Stanford.

sambear has been baking up a storm this week. He made his very first scratch brownies last night, and they were rapturous. A sacrament unto themselves! He’s made cinnamon rolls twice this week, as well, and there wasn’t a scrap left from either batch. Yummy—and I’m not a fan of cinnamon rolls most of the time! He’s a biscuit-making pro now and is studying the arcane mysteries of yeast rolls.

We have a fairly quiet weekend planned, largely doing things around the house. We do have Trybalaka tomorrow night, but that’s about it. We’ve really made great strides in decluttering and so on. At this rate, we should have a much smoother move in a few months than we had the last time. We still need to weed through the books and keep getting rid of paper. I’ve got to go through the cross-stitch patterns, especially.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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