It’s That Late Already?

I guess it is. Wow.

For once, I actually remembered to go outside to SEE an astronomical event. I get emails from NASA to tell me about such things, but I usually forget to actually watch them.

The red color was neat, and very different from the lunar eclipse I remember seeing as a child.

curiousmay9 and I had a fairly low-key evening while sambear and shadowkatt were at the ballet. (They report that it was very good.) ridinrabbit made an all-too-brief appearance, but we didn’t do our normal Wednesday night dinner with her.

Yesterday, curiousmay9 brought home some delicious steaks from the Dekalb Farmer’s Market. She cooked them this evening with a little garlic and lemon pepper olive oil. YUMMY!

She also cooked some chicken, which will be the base of another meal in the next couple of days.

I tried a pomegranate as well as some miso soup. The miso wasn’t bad, and I’ll keep it in mind for times when my tummy is unhappy. The pomegranate was fairly tasty, but I can’t quite get past the “eating seeds” thing.

I’ve tried more new foods in the last six months than in the previous decade. I’m eating more fruits and vegetables than at any other time in my life. I find it amusing that these positive changes in my life—which would amaze my parents—have come about because of a relationship that my parents find appalling.

I feel good about what I got done today, though I’ll probably pay for it tomorrow. Serious kitchen cleaning, many loads of laundry, bringing in the trash and recycling bins, watering the garden, and repotting several plants doesn’t sound like much. It is for me, though!

We need to thin the spinach this week, after which we’ll eat baby spinach from our own garden.

curiousmay9 has been doing some trigger point therapy over the last week or so. We were both a bit leery, as we’ve see way too many snake oil salesmen over the years.

It’s working quite well, though. I treated a trigger point on her hip tonight for the first time, and I do hope it helps her as much as it’s helping me.

shadowkatt got an incredibly cool birthday present. I’m leaving the telling up to her, but I’m getting impatient!

sambear has some good news, too.

Sleepy now. Good night!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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