
The good thing about having all the MP3s on one machine, served to the network, is that we can all get to them and they don’t suck up hard drive space on each machine. The bad thing is that there…

That’s Happy

There are lyrics to supposedly ancient songs at the beginning of every chapter of Juliet McKenna’s The Gambler’s Fortune. I was waiting in the car for Katie last week, and a melody came to me for one of them. The…

What’s Streaking?

streaking: Connecting to the Internet without a firewall, virus protection, or spyware protection, which is about as stupid as the ’70s campus craze for which it’s named. From the Buzzword Compliant Dictionary


curiousmay9 likes to tease me because my phone and camera are tiny—about the same size, and she can cover either with just two fingers. My other gift yesterday is even smaller—a Samsung MP3 player! I’m sure there’s a model name,…

Database Update

I’ve got 255 charts/magazines/leaflets in the Organized Expressions Needlework database now. I was entering a record for each chart in each magazine or book, but that grew old very quickly and I stopped after about 3 books. This process isn’t…

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