Cool Extension: Quicktext

QuickText is a lovely extension for anyone who often needs to respond to very similar messages, but wants to personalize responses more than a template allows. I want some kind of unified “all the nifty Firefox and Thunderbird extensions there…


Well, the post isn’t, but if you have to worry about such things, check out the Firefox extension worksafer. The author has set up a service on his server to allow users to vote on sites as being SFW or…


Anybody else using Omea Reader as an RSS reader? It does newsgroups, keeps up with bookmarks and web clippings, too, but I’m mostly using it as an RSS reader because it does that better than Thunderbird did. Anyway, it isn’t…


Seems to be my week for tech lust, doesn’t it? I’ve been saying for, oh, at least a few years now, that I want a damned good cell phone that’s also a great PDA, a good point-and-shoot digicam, a nice…

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