I don’t know whether or not they’re only in the Atlanta area, but I figured I’d share the link: Free family movies at Regal Cinemas
The Geek Who Understands You
I don’t know whether or not they’re only in the Atlanta area, but I figured I’d share the link: Free family movies at Regal Cinemas
As a reminder that Americans certainly aren’t the only ones being cruel in the Middle East: Activists Say Israel Held Boy, 13, as Human Shield On a far happier note, janni posted some quotes from an interview with Madeleine L’Engle.…
I didn’t have any intention of seeing the movie Mean Girls, but I may change my mind. The homeschooled character says, “I had never lived in a world where adults didn’t trust me.” (Quoted in a review by Roger Ebert)…
Today’s planned wiring has been canceled, due to me having a pain flare and curiousmay9 being indisposed, as well. I’m hoping I’ll get enough better to go to the PSE meet-n-greet tonight, though. We have to drive shadowkatt across town…
“That is only the start of the Bush campaign. He has plenty of money and unlimited personal cheapness.” Jimmy Breslin talking about President Bush in He Molests the Dead I think I want to see this movie. I Remember Me…
I have absolutely no plans to see Mel Gibson’s capitalization on the crucifixion. I did, however, find this article funny. I have no idea, of course, whether or not the “Aramaic” is real or just mumbo-jumbo. What’s popcorn in Aramaic?
I’m so slow to get moving today! I’m not sure why, but I do hurt all over. So I’m not going to push myself to really do much. The house NEEDS my attention, but I need to let it go.…
Movie Therapy: Using Movies for Mental Health Like sambear needed an excuse to go to the movies! Are You Having Trouble Sleeping? Um, wouldn’t you know?
I should probably friends-lock this, except that my speech professor has specifically stated that he doesn’t check his email, much less do anything else online. The school says he has to have an email address, so he does—but apparently, it’s…
Ally McBeal, Heteroflexibility, and Lesbian Visibility on TV This curiosity by heterosexually-identified women isn’t new, but the increase in public awareness and public acceptance of it is a recent development. It is best described by the term “heteroflexible,” which Salon.com…
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